You Might Be A Hippie If….

  Due to my recent involvementĀ in the fermentation industry, I have been consuming a ton of fermented foods. I even got my hands on some scoby and am attempting to make my own kombucha. I know. Who have I become? I guess I always knew I was a hippy, I just didn’t know how badContinueContinue reading “You Might Be A Hippie If….”

Today I Pickled, Tomorrow I’ll Take Over The World!

I can’t think of a time when I’ve had more fun in my own kitchen than I did today! As a part of my job as social media specialist for Spoiled To Perfection, I got to shoot a short video of me, attempting to pickle onions in my kitchen. Oh and was it an attemptContinueContinue reading “Today I Pickled, Tomorrow I’ll Take Over The World!”